Did you know that hot weather and long summer journeys can put additional strain on your car and its components? Make sure your vehicle doesn’t let you down by undertaking these simple checks first!
To ensure that winter didn’t leave any lasting damage to your vehicle you should inspect the interior and exterior of your vehicle for any warning signs.
Visually inspect your vehicle for any signs of corrosion or rusting that may have affected the exterior of your vehicle during winter. You should check any exposed metal areas that are visible from the exterior of your car for signs which include silver colours becoming dull or changing to an orange colour and smooth surfaces becoming rougher. You should have your car inspected by a specialist if you do notice corrosion as if left it can cause more serious problems to your engine, exhaust or brakes as well as ruining the aesthetic of your vehicle’s bodywork.
Damp affects the interior of your vehicle and can be caused when there is a difference in temperature outside and inside of the car. You can see this on cold mornings when condensation builds up on your windscreen. If left, damp can cause irreversible damage to your interior and unpleasant smells, making your drive less comfortable and potentially lowering the value of your vehicle. If you do notice damp – which you can identify by a musty smell and discoloured and wet patches inside your vehicle – you should shampoo your car interior and allow it to dry fully.
If you haven’t already you must switch over from your winter tyres now! Winter tyres cannot provide adequate performance in temperatures over 7°C, so you should be using either summer or all season tyres. As well as ensuring that you are using the right tyres for this time of year, you should also undertake the following checks to your tyres every three weeks:
Stuck in a traffic jam on a hot day is not the time you want to find out that your air conditioning isn’t working! If it has been two years since you had your air conditioning serviced or if you have noticed any signs including your air conditioning emitting a less powerful stream or the wrong temperature air then it is time to have an air con top-up! Book an air con top-up at your local Setyres branch and save £5 with one of our vouchers!
To keep your vehicle healthy this summer, make sure that all your essential engine fluids are topped up.
If you have any concerns about the condition of your vehicle or tyres you should contact your local Setyres branch where our trained specialists will be able to offer advice and guidance.